September 14, 2014

Tips for a Perfect Autumn Outfit

My absolute favorite season has to be autumn. The foggy weather combined with sweaters, layers, and the color burgundy makes it a perfect time to do anything. The fall season is also a reminder that halloween and christmas are coming up! I'm also very excited for it to rain again (we really need it!) Today I decided to pick out a particularly fall inspired look and thought that I would share it if you want some ideas how to make a pretty basic outfit into a cute fall look.

Adding a brimmed hat to any outfit is a very nice touch. Plus it will keep your ears warm while protecting your eyes from the sun that likes to show up.

Brown combat boots also adds some autumn warmth to the outfit. Adding some cozy socks and rolling up your jeans a little makes the your outfit a bit more dynamic and interesting. This also allows you to show off those cute boots.

It is best to wear short sleeve or long sleeve shirts and blouses in the fall because sometimes it can get a bit chilly. You've gotta stop wearing those tank tops and crop tops and let them hibernate until next spring!

|   Brown Boots - Urban Outfitters (I think)   |