December 26, 2014

What I Got for Christmas 2014

Happy Holidays everybody! For the past week I have been enjoying my family and friends, eating lots of delicious food and relaxing. I have been on break for so long that I can't imagine going back to school now. I will not have a break this long until summer!

Personally, I am always very interested to see what other people receive for Christmas so I thought I would share what I received with you.

Llama pjs from Anthropology

Macaroon pj set from Nick and Nora

Audio Technica microphone

What about you? What is your favorite thing you received for Christmas or Hanukkah?

December 12, 2014

Cat Town Cat Cafe

A couple of weeks ago I visited Cat Town in downtown Oakland. It is basically just a cafe where you get reservations to pet adorable cats that are available for adoption (what could be better?). The cats that are up for adoption are the ones who are sensitive and least likely to be adopted. Cat Town gives them to have a familiar place to live instead of changing foster homes every two weeks or so. 

It is such a cute place and it would be a perfect activity to do with friends or family over the holidays.